1895 Sheridan Dr. Tonawanda NY 14223 (716)831-9200 sheridanfamilydentistry@verizon.net

Preventative Care

The basis of sound oral hygiene is routine cleaning and maintenance. Daily brushing and flossing will keep plaque to a minimum, but a professional cleaning will remove the tartar you may have missed. Our patient’s hygiene visits are customized based on the health of their teeth, gums and bone. We recommend that a dental cleaning be performed every 6 months, as a preventative measure. However, we may recommend more frequent visits for those who suffer from gum disease. Periodic dental cleanings and exams are the best way to lower your risk of cavities, gum disease, and other common issues.

Filling Restorations

When plaque and tartar build up on the surface of teeth, the enamel begins to erode, forming a cavity. Most cavities will be treated with composite restorations. The decay will be removed and your tooth will be filled with a resin based composite, which matches the color and look or your natural teeth. These restorations can help teeth both functionally and aesthetically, for a stronger more beautiful smile.

Crowns & Bridges

When cavities are very large or significant tooth structure has been compromised, we can use crowns to make the tooth appear as new! Dental crowns offer support and aid in functional chewing problems, due to hairline cracks and pain in filled teeth. They are also often used to protect a tooth after it undergoes a root canal. Bridgework can be a reliable solution for replacing missing teeth caused by accidents or wear and tear. It attaches artificial teeth to the adjacent natural teeth, bridging the gap. Your dentist can determine if this option is the best for your unique needs.

Root Canals

Root canals can save your tooth! When decay reaches the inner tissue of the tooth or it is exposed to trauma, a simple filling may not be enough. During a root canal, the dentist will create an access point through which they will remove the tooth’s inner nerves and blood vessels. The inner cavity is then thoroughly disinfected and the canals and entry point are sealed. To complete the procedure, a crown is usually placed over the treated tooth to prevent breakage.


Preserving your natural teeth is always our priority. However, in some cases a tooth extraction may be the best option. Extractions are be performed due to extensive decay, advanced periodontal disease or because they are poorly positioned in the mouth. During an extraction, the doctor numbs your tooth, jawbone and surrounding gums with a local anesthetic. Once the tooth has been removed, your dentist will discuss options for replacement. These may include an implant, bridge or denture. Wisdom teeth removal will require a consultation. Depending on the complexity of these extractions, we may refer you to an oral surgeon.

Dental Implants

We often recommend replacing a missing tooth with a dental implant. The dental implants are small titanium posts, which are surgically placed into the jawbone where teeth are missing. An implant comes as close as we can to replacing a natural tooth. They provide a stable bite and natural appearance. When teeth are absent, the brain believes that the area is no longer in need of resources and the body begins to redirect nutrients away from that part of the jaw. Implants act as artificial tooth roots, stimulating the jawbone and sending the message to the brain that resources are still needed. During your implant consultation, the doctor will use a state-of-the-art Cone Beam CT 3D scan to evaluate your bone, to make sure you are a good candidate for the procedure. Once the implant is placed, your body will begin grow bone which will become tighter and tighter around the implant, until it is solid. This creates a strong foundation for the artificial teeth. The top portion of the implant can be a single tooth, part of a bridge or an implant supported denture. With proper home care and maintenance, your dental implants can last a lifetime.


Dentures are natural looking replacement teeth made by your dentist. There are two types of removable dentures: full and partial. Full dentures are given to patients when all of the natural teeth have been removed. Partial dentures are attached to a metal frame that is connected to your natural teeth and are used to fill in where permanent teeth are missing. Dentures can also be supported by implants, in which case they are fixed to the jaw bones. This provides stability and comfort, along with the look and function of natural teeth.

Clear Braces

If you’re unhappy with your smile or have a misaligned bite, invisible braces may be right for you. We use a series of custom made clear aligners that are easily removable and produce amazing results in just a few months. To discuss options for clear braces, contact the office to schedule a consultation.


Phone: (716)831-9200
Fax: (716)874-6700

1895 Sheridan Dr
New York, 14223
